Research and Publishing Papers in High Quality Journals


演讲者:Professor Ming-Ting Sun, IEEE Fellow
时间:7月23日(周二) 上午 9:00-11:00

摘要:Performing research and writing a high quality paper is often a very frustrating experience.

Many beginning graduate students often struggle in deciding on a research topic, doing research to produce results, and writing a paper for publication in a high quality IEEE journal. In this talk, I would share my personal experience in research and publishing high quality papers.  I would discuss some of the common mistakes my students made in doing research and writing papers for publication. I would review the publication process and things you should know in publishing papers. The target audiences are graduate students. After the talk, I would encourage questions and discussions.

1996 年-至今,University of Washington 电子工程系,正教授。研究领域包括机器学习,多模信息处理,医疗监控,图像视频处理,网络编码与传输。1996 年当选IEEE Fellow。现任 Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation 主编;曾任 IEEE Trans. on Multimedia 主编(2000-2001),IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT)主编(1995-1997),T-CSVT Express Letter 编辑(1993-1994),IEEE电路与系统Visual Signal Processing and Communications Technical Committee 主席(1992-1993),IEEE 电路与系统标准委员会主席并制定IEEE 反离散余弦变换(DCT)标准(1988-1991)。担任多个国际会议的技术委员会主席,包括PCM 2012、SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing 2000 等。已发表 200 多篇技术论文(包含15 个视频技术方面的章节),拥有13 项美国专利,积极参与发展H.261, MPEG-1 和MPEG-2 等视频编码标准。Co-Edit a book《Compressed Video over Networks》.
