


    王亚军(Billy),硕士,副教授。出生于浙江慈溪,1992年7月毕业于厦门大学物理系无线电物理专业,大学期间成绩名列前茅,曾获素端奖、进雄奖等奖学金,历任班长、学生会副主席、自律会主席等职,屡获三好学生和优秀学生干部称号。1999.4-2000.10,获新加坡政府奖学金留学新加坡南洋理工大学电子电机工程学院(School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,NTU),并提前2年毕业。2000.11-2004.4在新加坡某著名国立研究院工作,任高级电磁兼容工程师和永久职员,成功主持或参与多项新加坡国防科研项目,研发资金逾人民币几千万元。2004年5月回国加入厦门大学物理与机电工程学院,任副教授至今。


1. 国际电子电机工程学院(IEEE)会员(总部设在美国)。

2. 美国电磁兼容注册工程师(NARTE-certified EMC Engineer,美国国家无线电与通讯工程师协会认证)。

3. IEEE新加坡电磁兼容分会常务理事(IEEE Singapore EMC Chapter)。

4. 美国麻省理工大学(MIT)知名教授主编的“Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications”和“Progress in Electromagnetics Research”两刊物的论文评委。

5. 新加坡The International Conference on Information, Communications, and Signal Processing (ICICS)国际会议的论文评委。


Email: billywang@xmu.edu.cn


1. 半导体照明(超高亮度和大功率LED)的检测和应用技术

2. 替代能源和新能源技术(机械能、风能、太阳能等以及储能)

3. 电磁兼容(EMC)与安规

4. 小天线和贴片天线

5. 光学和电路设计







































 Y. J. Wang, C. K. Lee, W. J. Koh, and Y. B. Gan, Design of small and broadband internal antennas for IMT-2000 mobile handsets, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques., vol. 49, no. 8, Aug., 2001, pp. 1398-1403.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, “Versatile Semi-disc Microstrip Antennas: Study and Application”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 15, no. 12, 2001, pp. 1595-1613.

 Y. J. Wang, C. K. Lee, and W. J. Koh, A Single-patch and Single-layer Square Microstrip Antenna with 67.5% Bandwidth, IEE Proceedings ━ Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 148, no. 6, Dec. 2001, pp.418-422.

 Y. J. Wang, W. J. Koh, C. K. Lee and K. Y. See, Electromagnetic Coupling Analysis of Transient Signal through Slots or Apertures Perforated in a Shielding Metallic Enclosure Using FDTD Methodology, Chapter 11, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 36, 247-264, 2002.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, Design of Dual-frequency Microstrip Patch Antennas and Application for IMT-2000 Mobile Handsets, Chapter 12, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 36, 265-278, 2002.

 Y. J. Wang, W. J. Koh, and C. K. Lee, Electromagnetic Coupling Analysis of Transient Signal through Slots or Apertures Perforated in a Shielding Metallic Enclosure Using FDTD Methodology; Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (Summary), 2002.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, Design of Dual-frequency Microstrip Patch Antennas and Application for IMT-2000 Mobile Handsets, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (Summary), vol.16, no.11, 2002, pp.1531-1532.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, A Semi-disc Microstrip Antenna Using a Foam Substrate and Its Application for 3G IMT-2000 Mobile Hand-phones, Journal of the Institute of Engineers, Singapore (Electric & Computer Engineering), vol.42, no.4, 2002, pp.6-10.

 Y. J. Wang, C. K. Lee, and N. C. Karmakar, A Novel Microstrip Patch Antenna for 3G IMT-2000 Mobile Handsets, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 31, issue 6, Dec. 20, 2001, pp. 488-491.

 Y. J. Wang, C. K. Lee, Y. B. Gan, and W. J. Koh, A Broadband and Compact Microstrip Antenna for IMT-2000, DECT and Bluetooth Integrated Handsets, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 32, issue 3, Feb. 5, 2002, pp. 204-207.

 Y J. Wang, W. J. Koh, C. K. Lee and Y. K. Tai, SE Measurement Comparison of a Conductive Plastic Modem Enclosure Employing GTEM cell or Mode-tuned Reverberation Chamber Methodology, IEEE EMC Society Newsletter, winter 2002, pp. 20-24.

 Y. J. Wang, C. K. Lee, W. J. Koh, and J. H. Tan, Study of headset effect on hand-phone radiation, Newsletter of EMC Society of Australia, Issue no. 14, May 2001, pp. 11-13.

 Y. J. Wang, W. J. Koh, J. H. Tan, Y. K. Tai, and J. Lu, Field Uniformity of a Mode-tuned Reverberation Chamber: two Methodologies, Issue 12, The Kinetic Newsletter, DSO, Singapore, Jun. 2002, pp. 8-9.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, Compact Semi-disc Microstrip Patch Antenna with Improved Bandwidth, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, Winnipeg, Canada, Jul. 30 -Aug. 2, 2000, pp. 239-242.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, A Novel Dual-frequency Microstrip Patch Antenna for IMT2000 Mobile Handsets, Proceedings of the 2000 International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation, Fukuoka, Japan, 21-25 Aug. 2000, pp. 1467-1473.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, Small Broadband Microstrip Patch Antenna for IMT2000 Handsets, Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, Sep. 10-13, 2000, pp. 187-190.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee and A. Y. Qing, Semi-disc Microstrip Patch Antenna With Dual-frequency Operation, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, Beijing, China, Sep. 14-16, 2000, pp.345-348.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, A Novel Semi-Disc Microstrip Patch Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, Beijing, China, Sep. 14-16, 2000, pp.341-344.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, One Compact Dual-Frequency Printed Antenna, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, Beijing, China, Sep. 14-16, 2000, pp.444-447.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, One Novel Single-patch Dual-frequency Planar Inverted-F Antenna, Procs. 2000 Asia-pacific Microwave Conf. Sydney, Australia, Dec.3-6,2000, pp.39.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, Design on stacked semi-disc dual-frequency printed antenna, proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Antenna and Propagation (ICAP’01), UMIST, Manchester, UK, vol. 1, 17-20 April, 2001, pp. 133-136.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee, n reducing the overall dimensions of a circular printed antenna, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Antenna and Propagation (ICAP’01), UMIST, Manchester, UK , vol. 1, 17-20 April, 2001, pp. 57-60.

 Y. J. Wang and C. K. Lee,  Compact and Broadband Microstrip Patch Antenna 2001 IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference, Boston, MA, USA, Aug. 19-22, 2001, pp. 219-222.

 Y. J. Wang, W. J. Koh, C. K. Lee, and K. Y. See, Evaluating Field Uniformity of a Mini-reverberation Chamber with Two Mechanical Stirrers, 2002 IEEE Int. Sym. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Aug. 19-23, 2002, Minneapolis, MN, USA, pp.795-798.

 Y. J. Wang, C. K. Lee, P.S. Tian, and S.W. Lee, Novel microstrip-monopole-integrated ultra-wideband antenna for mobile UWB devices, 2003 IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference (RAWCON 2003), Aug. 10-13, 2003, Boston, MA, USA, pp.87-90.
